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Introduction to Directing 

As a theater director I’ve worked in many genres including children’s shows, comedy, physical and experimental theater including devised, participatory, movement and experimental based work. Through the years I’ve developed a way to break down my artistic process. This is a great class for absolute beginners - I can introduce you to the building blocks of script analysis, working with your actors and putting on a fantastic production.


As a director I combine my experience with years of training in Stanislavski, Meisner, Alexander, Suzuki, Viewpoints, Grotowski, Mask work, puppeteering, movement work and dramaturgy. I've had experience with students and professionals. 


  • Warm up your actors

  • Effectively communicate with actors, designers and crew

  • Break down a scene into episodes, beats and reversals

  • Help actors to invest on stage with emotional prep 

  • Communicate clear and concise notes to actors

  • Learn the most useful ways to conduct research 

  • Organic blocking and viewpoints

  • Movement directing and choreography 

  • Devising techniques

  • Help your actors be louder and more articulate on stage

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